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Fatalities Higher During Holiday Time

The holidays should be a time filled with tons of joy. However, for many individuals and/or families it is a time of tragic vehicle accidents. Sometimes motorized accidents are out of one’s hands. It is important to be safe while driving especially during the holidays. If you find yourself in a vehicle crash that you are the victim consider contacting a car accident lawyer. A car accident lawyer can help you receive the justice you deserve from the vehicle at fault.

During wintertime holidays car accidents that are fatal occur more often. Winter weather can contribute to hazardous roads. Consuming alcohol, fatigue, and driving a vehicle while the sun is beating down with a distracting glare can be hazardous as well. These are all threats one may experience during summertime holidays that can cause fatalities.

Holidays in general can contribute to the possibility of higher occurrences of car crashes. The following statistics are complied of crashes in North Carolina that happened between 2008 to 2013.

Easter- 91 fatalities during a 4 day time frame or 22.75 deaths occurring
July 4th- 62 fatalities during a 3 day time frame or 20.6 deaths occurring
New Year’s- 35 deaths during 2 days or 17.5 deaths occurring
Memorial Day- 67 fatalities during a 4 day time frame or 16.75 deaths occurring
Thanksgiving- 77 deaths over a 5 day time frame or 15.4 deaths occurring
Labor Day- 64 fatalities during a 4 day time frame or 15.1 deaths occurring
Christmas- 57 deaths during a 5 day time frame or 11.4 deaths occurring

Once the results were reviewed it was surprising to see that Easter was so high in fatalities and Christmas was at a lower end. A possibility of why had been thought out. The holiday Easter usually falls under a Sunday. Majority of individuals have work the following day. Therefore, majority of individuals are driving home after a long day and consuming alcohol. During Christmas time family gatherings and festivities typically extend throughout the day. Individuals may be more rested, consuming less alcohol, and/or spacing out alcohol throughout the day. Overall, it is important to consider these fatalities as a serious eye opener.

In conclusion, do not drink and drive on the road especially during the holidays.


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